
Mirjam Rhensius

M.Sc. Physiotherapeutin seit 2009

Sie studierte Physiotherapie (B. Sc. ) und Therapiewissenschaften (M. Sc. ) an der Hochschule Fresenius in Idstein. Nach sechsjähriger praktischer Tätigkeit in mehreren physiotherapeutischen und interdisziplinären Praxen war sie seit 2015 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Hochschuldozentin an der Hochschule Fresenius tätig. 

Nach einer Babypause kehrte sie 2019 zurück ins Team PhysioLogisch und vertiefte ihre Arbeit im Ansatz BRAINRESTART.  
Sie hielt einen Refresher Workshop BRAINRESTART im ASZ Frankfurt.

Seit Mai 2023 ist sie im Mutterschutz.



Chiara Pedron

2003-2007 she studied Economics at Ca’ Foscari University in Venezia.
After that she decided to change her life and she started her studies to become a Speech Therapist at Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Roma (2007-2010).


Alberto Bertolo

Degree in Physiotherapy in 2010 – University of Udine – Italy.
Specialized in Neurological Rehabilitation
He works as a supervisor for Neurorehabilitation on the island of GranCanaria – Spain


Barbara Guzzoni

I got my degree in physiotheraphy in 2002, but I have always been interested in neurological rehabilitation and in children.  In fact I started studying physiotheraphy at university almost by chance, without knowing what a physiotherapist would do, but when, during the first year at university, I saw my teacher’s hands guide a newborn baby towards a physiological movement, it was love at first sight. After getting my degree I worked with adult patients in various institutions, to come, in 2007, to the Child Neurology of the hospital of my adopted town, Cremona. After my degree I delved into different topics in specialized courses; that’s where I met Hans Sonderegger and the rehabilitation perspective of Guided Interaction. The first course I had with him was in 2003 and it was a complete revolution which determined the subsequent path I followed. I’m still applying and improving my knowledge of what Hans gave me the opportunity to observe and understand, even if I miss deeply his guidance. The most important part of my training is up to every single little patient and their family I meet every day.

Barbara works and live in Cremona, Italy.

Udo Cordel

Physiotherapeut und Fach-Heilpraktiker Physiotherapie, ausgebildet an der Physiotherapieschule des Universitätsklinikum, Mainz seit 1997, Praxisinhaber von PhysioLogisch und PhysioKraftwerk zusammen mit Christine Blass

Entwicklung des BRAIN Food Konzeptes zur Unterstützung neurologischer Patienten



Pfarrer-Rudolf-Straße 29
55435 Gau-Algesheim


Telefon  +49 6725 1753
Telefax +49 6725 963 398


Mo/Fr 8-13 Uhr
Di-Do 8-17 Uhr