Barbara Guzzoni

I got my degree in physiotheraphy in 2002, but I have always been interested in neurological rehabilitation and in children.  In fact I started studying physiotheraphy at university almost by chance, without knowing what a physiotherapist would do, but when, during the first year at university, I saw my teacher’s hands guide a newborn baby towards a physiological movement, it was love at first sight. After getting my degree I worked with adult patients in various institutions, to come, in 2007, to the Child Neurology of the hospital of my adopted town, Cremona. After my degree I delved into different topics in specialized courses; that’s where I met Hans Sonderegger and the rehabilitation perspective of Guided Interaction. The first course I had with him was in 2003 and it was a complete revolution which determined the subsequent path I followed. I’m still applying and improving my knowledge of what Hans gave me the opportunity to observe and understand, even if I miss deeply his guidance. The most important part of my training is up to every single little patient and their family I meet every day.

Barbara works and live in Cremona, Italy.


Pfarrer-Rudolf-Straße 29
55435 Gau-Algesheim


Telefon  +49 6725 1753
Telefax +49 6725 963 398


Mo/Fr 8-13 Uhr
Di-Do 8-17 Uhr