Marco Ardemagni

Graduated as Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Therapist, neurological specialization, in University of Milano in 1998.

He is the President of Italian Hans Sonderegger Association

He treat enthusiasticly adults with sever brain lesion since 2000 and childrens since 2007.

-10 Bobath basic and advanced course attended

-Nora Kern’s INN® course attended.

-Basal Stimulation basic and advanced Course

He met Hans Sonderegger in 2005, ever since he use Hans Sonderegger approach in his work.
Teacher of Sonderegger approach courses Italy since 2012.

He leeds the second department for ELICE ONLUS in Parma 2020 together with Lia Teloni.





Pfarrer-Rudolf-Straße 29
55435 Gau-Algesheim


Telefon  +49 6725 1753
Telefax +49 6725 963 398


Mo/Fr 8-13 Uhr
Di-Do 8-17 Uhr